Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New Setting: The Sands of Alashizar

So the time has come to start making posts. This new blog is going to be about parenting AND gaming, but I figured I'd start with something anyone following me here from The GM's Table would (hopefully) like to see and that's a new setting... "The Sands of Alashizar"

In the coming weeks I'll be posting bits and pieces as I flesh this all out further, but here's what I'm starting with.  It's going to take place in a post fantasy apocalypse where the rains have stopped and most of the continent is a vast desert with the exception of a few oasis controlled by druids. 

The biggest difference playing in Alashizar is that players will have to pick what of the three remaining kingdoms they come from which will determine what races and classes they choose from, who their leader is, the main goal of adventurers from that area, and what that area needs Residium for (yes I brought back residium).   Each of the kingdoms is ruled by what would normally be a big D&D villain (Red Dragon, Arch Lich, & Rakshasa) mixing reasons to go against any other group while having shades of grey since if they were all destroyed there wouldn't be anything left in an already blighted world.  

Without the fluff this is what I have so far for each kingdom:

The Hoard of Alashizar (The Kingdom of Scales)
Races: Dragon Board, Lizardfolk, Kobolds, Tieflings
Exclusive Class: Sorcerer
Outlawed Classes: Wizard, Druid, Warlock
Leader: Alashizar the Red (Ancient Red Dragon)
Duty: To recover any and all artifacts useful is building settlements within the Great Desert.
Residium Use: Settlements need the gem’s magic to shield against dangerous sandstorms.
Perk: Envoy of Alishar- Memebers of the Hoard of Alashizar gain advantage on all social checks when dealing with dragons and their minions and assume you to be a friend upon first meeting.

The Keepers of Castien (The Last of the Old Kingdom)
Races: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling
Exclusive Class: Wizard
Outlawed Classes: Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian
Leader: Castien the Eternal (Lich King)
Duty: To recover any and all lost information and items of power from the fallen kingdom to rebuild what is left.
Residium Use: The undead hoard that keeps Morgan’s Hold functioning requires a central focus gem powered with residium.
Perk: Keeper of the Old World- Members of the Keepers of Castien can cast Comprehend Languages as a ritual.

The Legion of Ulsiff (The Jungle Kingdom)
Races: Aaracocra, Tabaxi, Goliath, Kenku
Exclusive Class: Druid
Outlawed Class: Wizard, Sorcerer, Paladin
Leader: Ulsiff the Wise (Rakshasa General)
Duty: To uncover the cause of the Great Desert and hopefully find a way to bring the rains back.
Residium Use: The oasis jungles can only grow thanks to ground residium within the soil due to the lack of rain.

Perk: One with the Wild- Those working for the Legion of Ulsiff have the spirits of nature on their side and can cast Find Familiar as a ritual.

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